America loves Barack Obama. If I were a citizen and to vote in the 44th Presidential election, I would vote for Obama. Now, Obama won.. are we affected at all?
Philippines is one of the countries who are earning big bucks from US due to IT outsourcing. Obama once said that he will be bringing back jobs to America by cutting tax breaks to companies offshoring their services to other countries. When his plans happen, will it affect the IT field? As one working in this field, this is threatening. Bringing IT jobs back to America means losing jobs from Philippines and India that is if IT field is in scope of what Obama is pertaining.
Looking at USA now, i believe they cannot meet the demand of IT today. They do not have the skilled people to make America's IT work for America. They still need us!!! But if Obama's plan will materialize, the only positive thing that might happen is that more American dreams will come to happen. The lack of IT people in USA migh open the possibilities of expanding the H1-B visa that the government is currently limiting. More working visa to USA means more people can get their dream jobs in the America.